

Top 10 Quantum Physics Facts To Blow Your Mind.

 The universe is a strange place filled with intrigue and wonder throughout human history. We've developed theories about how our universe works, based on the available evidence at the time this led to religion philosophy, and eventually science but as science has explored the universe at a subatomic Quantum level. The real truth underpinning all of reality has revealed itself to be stranger than any fiction. Here are 10 quantum physics facts to blow your mind!! 

1. Entanglement: Entanglement is easily one of the most bizarre parts of quantum physics when two particles come into contact with each other they create an Entangled relationship, now imagine you keep one particle. Let's call it Tom then you send the other particle will call it Jerry - a Scientist living thousands of miles away you would imagine that the particles would now have no relationship because they are so far apart, but you'd be wrong if you change the direction that Tom is spinning and Jerry thousands of miles away will start spinning in the exact opposite direction. Instantaneously, it's not fully understood how this is possible. But we now know for a fact that this spooky behavior is real because in July of 2019 Scientists finally photographed entangled particles for the first time suddenly. 

2. Physical Duality: Our natural experience of the world is that things have a definitive Singular state, a cheeseburger is a cheeseburger and that's fantastic because they're so tasty you'd be shocked if you were about to eat a burger and it suddenly turned into broccoli, which we're still what if the cheeseburger was actually both a cheeseburger and broccoli at the same time? Thankfully our experience of the world does not work like this. However at a quantum level subatomic particles like electrons appear to have what is known as wave-particle duality. Many physicists believe that particles are both physical points in space and at the very same time have wave-like properties, but how can an electron be both a particle and a wave at the same time? What's even more mind-bending is that some physicists believe even large objects such as human beings are waves as well. 

3. Consciousness Creates The Universe: Now this one is controversial and has been debated for a hundred years, but it's a fascinating theory which still has the support of famous Physicists such as Henri Staff this theory argues that consciousness is essential to the universe. Not only that but that consciousness in some way creates the universe around us thinking back to the idea of things being both particles and waves at the same time many believe that the reason we experience the world as solid objects is, that the wave has to collapse into a solid point when its measured Henry Staff believes that our minds are what causes this collapse when we look at things the bizarre consequence of this Is that when we are not looking at something it doesn't really exist in any solid-state. This is true it has our minds which bring reality into being. 

4. Time Doesn't Exist: In his book 'The Order Of Time' theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli makes the shocking claim that time itself does not exist. He believes that at a quantum level the universe can be understood without even thinking about time. Rovelli points out that while we see the world changing in front of our eyes because time flows forward Quantum mechanics shows that this is nothing more than an illusion. Our brains have evolved to understand the universe and experience it in a certain way at a quantum level things happen but not in any linear way cause and effect break down according to rovelli because they don't actually exist in the way we have normally thought. He argues that the universe is chaotic and that we only order this Information in order to make sense of the universe when essentially the universe is a collection of random happening events.

5. Hidden Variable: In our day to day lives if we cannot understand something we tend to think that we are missing something if you try to fix a car engine, for example and can't figure out why it isn't working It's probably because you don't currently possess the knowledge required to fix it. In quantum physics, a similar concept is known as the hidden variable theory. This means that quantum physics appears so bizarre to us and so different from our daily experiences that we must be missing variables Which would explain it and make it all understandable. However, some physicists believe that hidden variables by their very nature are undetectable. This means that we will never be able to understand reality. No matter how hard we try from this perspective.  

6. The Many-Worlds Hypothesis: Quantum physics is very strange what with ideas like consciousness? Collapsing waves into single points and making reality as it turns out a lot of Physicists agree and that's why many believe they've solved this weirdness with their own theory the many-worlds interpretation but as with all things. Even the solution that quantum weirdness has mind-blowing consequences theories suggest that every single possibility plays out at a quantum level your subjective. Experiences of a world where the wavefunction collapsed into one state but there is potentially an infinite number of other yous' experiencing different states that means that there's a version of you who is a famous actor and another version of you who is in jail for stealing something. You split into more and more versions of yourself. 

7. Quantum Immortality: Staying with the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics for a moment, another strange consequence is the possibility of living forever. In fact, Hugh Everett who created the many-worlds interpretation believed that the existence of many worlds guaranteed him immortality. Everett theorized that if every possibility plays out that there would be worlds where the conscious observer dies and ones where they lived. In fact, Everett believed that the conscious observer could never truly die and would always exist in one of those worlds. Others around that person might experience them dying in their world, but the person's consciousness would simply split off into another existence where they managed to escape death. 

8. Future: Big Bang's Cosmology tells us that the ultimate fate of the universe may be a very dark one indeed but quantum physics may provide a way out of this depressing end. You see a popular theory in cosmology is that all the matter in the universe will eventually unwind until there are no stars, planets. That's what's called the big freeze where the universe will go dark and essentially be so cold that nothing can really happen there anymore however some quantum physicists believe that in this event over trillions and trillions of years a phenomenon called quantum tunneling would eventually spontaneously create a new Big Bang from the ultimate death of the universe would come a brand new universe populated by stars, planets and people. 

9. Quantum Biology: Biologists have always tried to understand life at a macroscopic level but a new field known as quantum biology is adding its own mind-blowing insights to the animal kingdom quantum biologists believe that natural selection has led some organisms if not all to use quantum effects in some way for example, the way plants turn photons of light into energy seems to require that plant biology uses quantum events to make this possible others theorize that the way that birds navigate using electromagnetic fields may also require Biology to process quantum information but most striking of all our theories of the mind which speculate that Quantum events are not just used by the human brain, but may actually be consciousness itself Operating at a deep level within matter.  

10. Something From Nothing: When we think of the distance between objects and space we usually have the impression of dark void space is a vacuum. There's no air and therefore there's nothing in space. However, quantum physicists are showing that this idea is incorrect. Space contains things called virtual particles which usually appear in pairs and then instantaneously cancel each other out these particles appear to? Spontaneously arise which is akin to something coming from nothing. It almost seems like a miracle but where it gets really bizarre is that physicists like Lawrence Krauss believe that space can even generate the fabric of space and time from this void. This may be how our universe began in the first place. In fact, everything that's around you came from nothing. 

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