

21 Scary And Creepier Facts!!

  21 Chilling Facts That Will Creep You Out!! Are you one of those people who likes the creepier side of life? Do skulls, bones, and scary things excite you? Are you a lover of all things scary? If that’s the case, then this should be right up your alley. Keep on watching if you dare! As you will scroll down facts would be more scary!!

1. It takes the same amount of pressure to bite through your finger as it does a baby carrot. I would NOT recommend testing this theory. If you’ve ever accidentally bitten your tongue or your lip while eating, you know how much it hurts. Now imagine how much it would hurt to bite through your own finger. 

2. Did you know that some corpses develop a weird, wax-like substance on them? The substance is called adipocere, and it is also known as corpse, grave or mortuary wax. The waxy substance forms on corpses found in environments with high moisture levels and minimal oxygen (such as on wet ground, mud or the bottom of a lake). 

3. Believe it or not, Colgate(the toothpaste brand) has gone through a great deal of controversy in the past. In certain Spanish dialects, particularly in Argentinian and European Spanish, the word ‘colgate’ translates loosely to a phrase similar to ‘go hang yourself’ depending on the pronunciation. Talk about bad marketing! 

4. In North Korea, among many other strict rules, citizens are forced to choose between 28 government-approved haircuts. Well, let’s just hope that the selection of these 28 haircuts is at least a good selection. I mean, there have got to be some styles that are appealing, right? 

5. Abracadabra: This is for all you aspiring magicians out there. The word ‘Abracadabra’ means ‘I will create when I speak’ whereas ‘Avada Kedavra’ means ‘I will destroy when I speak.’ The words were used by witches to cast spells and ward off evil. This is an interesting albeit slightly useless piece of information to know. 

6. The guillotine is most well known for its use in France during the French Revolution. It was used to condemn a person to death by securing them at the bottom of an apparatus and placing their neck directly underneath a blade. 

7. The Dancing Plague of 1518, also known as the Dance Epidemic, occurred when 400 people took to the streets and danced for weeks without rest. After about one month of dancing, numerous people began to die of stroke, exhaustion or even heart attacks. One report states that at one point the dancing plague killed 15 people every day. 

8. The disappearance of commercial airplanes: In the past 70 years, approximately 90 commercial airlines have disappeared without a trace. That’s more than one plane a year. It’s hard to believe that airplanes can disappear like that in this day and age, considering all the technological progress the world has made. These cases still remain a mystery today. 

9. Calcified animals: According to pictures taken by Nick Brandt and published in National Geographic, there is a lake in Tanzania called Lake Natron that has such a high level of alkaline (almost as much as ammonia) that when animals enter the water they are transformed into calcified statues. “The soda and salt causes the creatures to calcify, perfectly preserved, as they dry,” says Nick Brandt, the photographer who took pictures of the calcified creatures. 

10. Exploding head syndrome: There is a condition called exploding head syndrome, also known as episodic cranial sensory shock, in which a person can hear loud explosions in their head while they are falling asleep or waking up. The disorder is an auditory hallucination, but scientists are unable to determine the cause or mechanism of the disorder. 

11. Mysterious Signal: In 1977, Ohio State University’s Big Ear radio telescope picked up a signal that lasted for 72 seconds. It came from the constellation Sagittarius. Because the astronomer was so impressed with it, he wrote the word ‘Wow!’ which ended up being the signal’s name. To this day we aren’t exactly sure what it was. 

12. The Denver International Airport: There are a lot of creepy things surrounding the Denver International Airport including theories that it was an Illuminati hideout. There is also a giant horse statue nearby called the ‘Blue Mustang’ which is often referred to as the demon horse for its blue glow. The original artist was crushed and killed when the statue fell on top of him. 

13. Mysterious skeleton remains: According to Wikipedia, a skeleton measuring only 6 inches long was once found near a deserted Chilean town. It appears to be human with ten ribs and a deformed head. One theory suggests that this was the skeleton of a premature fetus born too early, and other theories suggest this is the result of a form of dwarfism. 

14. Digestive creepiness: This next fact is slightly disturbing and even kind of gross. Believe it or not, there are types of bacterian side of your stomach that you use to digest food, but after you die those same bacteria will digest you. Well, there goes my sleep for the week. 

15. Death from laughter: Did you know that it’s possible to die from laughing too much? There are at least 10 recorded deaths by laughing. It usually happens when the laughter causes some form of cardiac arrest or asphyxiation, according to Wikipedia. So I guess they lied when they told us as kids that laughter is the best medicine. 

16. Cotard delusion: A rare mental illness called cotard delusion exists, and the person who is affected by the illness either believes that they are dead or that they have lost all their blood and/or internal organs. The person affected by the illness typically denies their very existence and suffers from extreme psychiatric depression. 

17. Eyelash mites: Did you know that there are tiny little bugs that live on your face and eat off your dead skin? The bugs are called Demodex, and they’re tiny mites that live in or close to our hair follicles. There are two species of Demodex living on humans, and both species are typically referred to as “eyelash mites”. 

18. Blood squirting lizards: Blood squirting lizards exist! They are called horned lizards, and they actually have a blood-squirting mechanism which shoots blood from their eyes. Blood squirting is a horned lizard's best-known defence when being attacked. A pouch below the lizard’s eyes swells up with blood, and with a surge of pressure, the lizard squirts up a stream of blood that can travel up to six feet. 

19. The Suicide Forest: The Aokigahara forest, also known as the Suicide Forest, is located in Japan and is a popular tourist destination. The forest is known as one of the world’s leading sites for suicides. There are even signs located in different areas of trails in the forest encouraging suicide visitors to rethink their decision and contact suicide prevention hotlines. 

20. Bacteria in our mouths: Did you know that there could be more bacteria in your mouth than there are people on earth? “In one month, the number of bacteria can easily exceed the number of people who live on Earth,” says Sigmund Socransky, associate clinical professor of periodontology at Harvard. That’s something I could have gone without knowing. 

21. Dead skin cells: Human beings lose approximately 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells every single minute. If you do the math, that can add up to 50 million skin cells every single day. According to scientists, by the time a human being reaches adulthood, they will have lost roughly 37 trillion cells. Now that you know some of the creepiest facts on this planet, here is one more last and absolutely disturbing crazy fact about just how dirty some office keyboards are! Side note! If you work in an office, you will not like this next chilling fact. According to research, some keyboards in offices are dirtier than toilets (yes you read that right). Research done by the University of Arizona found that the average keyboard in an office has 400 times more bacteria than the toilet seat in your office. 

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