1. You can hear a blue whale's heart beat from two miles away. To move blood from its body and arteries, its heart beats so powerfully that you can hear it from two miles away.
Image source- Google | Image by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash |
2. Necropants is a pair of pants which is made from the skin of a dead man. The people of Iceland especially the witchcrafts acknowledge that anyone who has this pants will be having endless wealth. And of course its a myth but the people of Iceland believes it. Only one Necropant is left in the world which is kept at the museum of Iceland.
3. Wanna have dinner at the sky. You can surely do it in Dubai at the restaurant named "Dinner At The Sky". This restaurant is also in the list of "Top 10 Unusual restaurants in the world" in Forbes magazine.
Image source- Google | Image by- JENNY TAGGART |
4. You know the story about invention of telegraph? Let me tell you. Once Samuel Morse was gone on a trip and it was a time when there were not easy means of communication. Samuel and his wife wrote letters to each other to communicate. Samuel wrote to his wife, "I long to hear from you." His wife at that time when he wrote letter to her was dead due to heart attack. After some days Samuel received a letter from his father describing death of his wife. He rushed back to his home, but by the time he he got back to his home his wife was already buried. Then next 45 years of his life he spent on inventing Telegraph, which is a system of transmitting messages from a distance along a wire. Its impossible to know how much his wife's death inspired him. He don't want that somebody else also lose a special one because of no means of communication. CAREFULLY HE IS A HERO. 👏
5. Nepal has a festival named "Kukur Tihar" which means worship of dogs. On this day, they worship dogs to appreciate the loyalty and friendship towards humans.
6. Bertrand Russell was a mathematician and he wrote a proof of 360 pages describing that "1+1 = 2".
Image source- Google | Image by- Astrogeekz |
7. Rabbits eat their own babies. The problem is that rabbits do not have the same motherly instinct as dogs or cats who will protect their young ones.
Image source- Google | Image by- Photo by Satyabrata sm on Unsplash |
8. Trift Bridge, Switzerland is located in Alps of Gadmen and it is 180 meters long and 10 meters high. It is one of the most dangerous bridges of the world.
9. Do you know the full form of DSLR . Here it is- DIGITAL SINGLE LENS REFLEX.
Image source- Google | Image by- Photo by Lavi Perchik on Unsplash |
10. The wickets used in cricket costs around $40,000. An Australian designer Bronte EcKermann invented these LED wickets. These wickets are composed of low voltage battery, sensors. Image source- Google | Image by- Rediff.com
If you have any doubts, please let me know.