


1. The people who eat slowly have 42% less chance of being overweight and the people who eat at a normal speed have 29% less chance of being overweight. Usually, the people who are overweight are fast eaters. If you want to lose weight you can also try slow eating.


2. You know a breed of animals called "Liger"? The cross-breeding between a male lion and a female tiger is known as Liger. 

3. Ever wondered that when you put on a new perfume it smells good but if you put on that same perfume for a few months then it doesn't feel to you that much? It happens because your body recognizes that smell and gets familiar with it. It is called "Olfactory Adaptation". 

Image source- Google | Image by- 

4. Do you know why exactly bulls go mad with red color movement? Actually, it's false. Bulls are color blind for red and green. They get irritated by the movement of the cloth. If any other color cloth is shown to them then also gets irritated. Then why only red color in a bullfight? Because it's a tradition now.

Image source- Google | Image by- Brianna LynneEarth.com

5. Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. About 11.992% of the world population speaks it

6. According to a survey, 80% of people grab their phones within 15 minutes of waking up.


7. If a cockroach gets a touch to your body then it will go and clean itself. Because the oil present in our body is not good for a cockroach. 

8. Mosquitoes get attracted to dark colors mainly blue and black. If you have worn a shirt blue or black you will have more chances to get bitten by a mosquito.


9. 2/3 of the world's population has never seen snowfall. 

10. Humming bird's heart beats 1200/minute means 20/sec. 

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