Do you know what day and why the Sunday holidays started? And do you know that there is a creature on earth that has 5 eyes?  Do you know about such a creature that eats its mother as soon as it is born? If your answer is NO, then read it full!!  

1. After the whole week's rush, we feel happy as soon as Sunday comes, finally the day comes, which we are eagerly waiting for "Sunday" but have you thought what is the history of Sunday holiday and when it started? According to the international organization ISO, Sunday will be celebrated as the last day of the week and it is a holiday on this day, it was recognized in 1986 that the British are believed to be the reason behind this. This order was passed. In Britain, it was first proposed to give Sunday leave to school children. The reason behind this was that the children could do some creative work at home. During the British rule, the large working class in India used to work for seven days, the condition of this laborers was deteriorating, not only was the lunch time not given for food, after this, in about 1857, the leader of the laborers, Meghaji Lokhande Raised voice in favor of and he argued that there should be a day in the week that when the laborers could rest and give time to themselves and their family, it is believed that on 10 June 1890, the effort of Meghaji Lokhande was successful. And the English government had to declared a holiday for Sunday. There is also a lot of religious belief about Sunday holiday. According to Hinduism, the beginning of the week is considered as the day of the sun i.e. Sunday, the British believe that God created only 6 days, due to which the seventh day is rest. But when the Mughals were ruling in India, from 1530 to 1707, only in India, holiday was celebrated on Friday, and more recently, in most Muslim countries, Friday is considered as a day of worship, for this reason, there is a holiday on Friday instead of Sunday. However, in most countries, Sunday is a day off. 

2. The full form of JCB is Joseph Cyril Bamford, hence it was named JCB. It is a very large industry of heavy equipment which was built in 1945, it was started in England, later it was started in India and Ireland also by many people. If you do not know the price of JCB, then let us tell you that the price of JCB starts at 24 lakhs. 

3. The bee has five eyes, three of which are very small, which are between the left and right eye.  1100 bees are enough to kill a man.  

4. A girl who has eaten only Parle G biscuits from birth to 18 years and nothing else. Yes, 18-year-old Ramava from Karnataka has not tried to eat anything other than Parle G Biscuits since childhood, since then she only eats Parle G. Ramawa does not like any other brand, she eats 6 to 7 packets of Parle G in 1 day. 

 5. A creature that eats its mother as soon as it is born. Yes, a scorpion is such a creature that produces many children and after its birth, its children sit on its body and start eating its body, due to which its mother Dies and his children descend from his body only after eating a full meal. 

6. You must have heard about the most expensive things in your life, but when it comes to these things, the first thing that comes to mind would be gold, silver, diamond jewellery, etc. But you are thinking wrong yet you don't know. Let us tell you that there is a fluid but it is not poison of King Cobra, it is more valuable than King Cobra poison, the cost of King Cobra poison is 10 million to 150 million gallons. A scorpion living in the desert is so dangerous that only a drop of its poison can cause great harm to people and even take its life, but its poison makes medicines to treat many diseases. And the price of such scorpion poison is 266 crores per gallon!!  

 7. If you are over the age of 18, most of you have probably taken part in your local elections. During the elections in India, a lot of people cast in their votes through an electronic voting system, which is quite effective. But in many developed countries, such as America, it is customary to cast votes by quite conventional means: the ballot. These countries, the likes of which include the UK, France, and even Germany, have banned e-voting systems due to the increased likelihood of voter fraud that they entail. This is perhaps why their credibility is often disputed during the elections.  

8. Generally speaking, wherever you are in a particular country, it is the same time everywhere. But there are also many countries that have more than one time zone; and the country with the most, has 11!  That’s right, Russia is the country which has the most time zones. Just to give you an idea of that, here’s an example. Assuming it were 10 in the morning in the Russian capital of Moscow, it would be 7 in the evening on the Kamchatka Peninsula! 

9. Many of you have had this idea at least once: if governments print money, why can’t they just make more money and give out all of it to everyone? You would end poverty, grant everyone endless possibilities, and eliminate world hunger at the same time!  But why don’t they? Most currencies work because they are determined by factors like purchasing power, the commodities and services a nation provides, debt, and much more. In order to maintain the delicate balance between them, mints appropriately mint more money.  However, there are a select few cases, like Zimbabwe in 2007,where entire nations have had to devaluate their currencies due to the excessive minting and the consequent hyperinflation of their currencies.  

10. Have you ever noticed that when newborn babies cry, they don’t actually “cry”?   Sure, they cry, but they don’t produce any tears when they do. For about a month after their birth, newborns simply do not have the capability to produce tears.  This is because their tear ducts aren’t completely formed at the time of birth; they only fully develop around the end of the first month.  Sometimes it may even take up to three months until they can cry tears; if they are unable to do so, it’s best to seek medical advice.